Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Salaam All
This message originates from Haseeb Yusuf of GIT.
Please view the video
Then let's all make a commitment to this environment of ours...for our children's sake.
Come out this Saturday 27th 2013 from 8:00am to 12:00...for maintenance of the 4 streets we have adopted
Starting at Waterloo St....then East St....then Albert St...then Woolford Ave.
Each one of you please mobilize your friends and family. It's necessary to repeat that...
Each one of you please mobilize your friends and family.
Each one of you please mobilize your friends and family.
Thank you...May God Help us all in this struggle to make this city one that we can be proud of...

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Salaam All
Martin Luther King: “If it falls to your lot to be a street sweeper, sweep streets like Michelangelo painted pictures, sweep streets like Beethoven composed music ... Sweep streets like Shakespeare wrote poetry. Sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will have to pause and say: Here lived a great street sweeper who did his job well.”
Beautiful words. We are a world of words and little action. Theoreticians and NOT Practitioners. We are all SITTING Qurans, Bibles & Vedas.
All the Prophets did not have a huge GAP between their words and actions. Muhammad (p) whom Michael Hart in his book The 100, puts  as NUMBER ONE (#1)...like in UNO. WHY? It is to him who masters our minds by FORCE of TRUTH, and not those who enslave them by violence, that we owe our reverence. WHY? He was the only man, ONLY, man in history who was supremely successful on BOTH the religious and secular levels. WHY? He became an immensely effective political leader.
One can only laugh at the comedians we have as politicians. They are immensely INeffective. They need to study the WAY of Muhammad (p).
Back to the GAP...google from the 1990s to current to see all the drivel mentioned in cleaning the city. SHOCKED? Don't be...politics divorced from religion creates hypocrites.
Last week the Public Works cut the grass along the parapets on Vlissengen Road. I waited and waited...giving them a chance...for what? To see when they will come to clean up the ugliness of the now exposed bottles of all types, the food boxes and plastics etc. It still lies in open view...totally disgusting. To the Ministers (who are admittedly "busy" with other types of "cuts"): Is this a tourist attraction; is this environmental friendly; is this a job done as Martin Luther King spoke. Afraid not! All the hosts of heaven and earth are cursing a job badly done. A wonderful Nigerian brother studying in GT had this to say: "Keeping Guyana Clean rest mostly on the Government. Back in my country Nigeria, the Government makes everyone living in a certain district come out and clean their environment. Certain fines are paid by those who fail to come out and do the job. This exercise is once in every month and its highly monitored by government officials. I think the government might adopt this strategy." Put up a maintenance schedule on your website/publish it in the papers requesting folks in that ward to come out and lend a helping hand.
Now...St. Joseph's High School cleaned out their drain and brought a truck to remove the grass. It's that easy. How come the govt with all the money, materials & power cannot do a COMPLETE Job?
The leaders need to take lessons from the Number One Influential Person in Muhammad to understand how he was such an effective political leader. They also need to study what King said. Then they need to become practitioners rather than theoreticians. Religious leaders have forgotten that the Prophets were all who practiced what they preached. Today it's mostly preaching....yadayadayada...yawn. Another sermon...another lecture...another convention...another shuraa...another meeting...then another sermon....YAWN. We do not worship God with our lips, but with our actions.
Can we pause the words...and inject some quality action in there...

Sunday, April 7, 2013

In an interview yesterday by Kevin Petersen, the English cricketer -- he said it's great to be in India wearing a T-shirt and shorts rather than in cold, dreary, England.
Karl Benzio M.D. wrote the following a few days ago. Like most people, I love this time of year. Daylight Savings time a few weeks ago! Then official Springtime hit and some buds are showing. Awesome … longer days … warmer weather … more sun … outdoor activities … more energy … more color … people in better moods … life abounding everywhere. All this is even grander when contrasted to the elements of winter. I am continually amazed at (but don’t necessarily like) the cycle and uniqueness of the seasons God designed. Actually, to be truthful, except for Christmas and football, I hate winter.
I HATE winter.
Now here we are in a tropical country blessed with weather that both Petersen & Benzio would love. But they both went on to say that they love the beauty of the places. Can you imagine what they would say in a day-trip around this city.
We have squandered the continuous "summertime" we have been blessed with by not keeping this city clean  and a riot of colour. Instead of "life abounding everywhere" we have death & vulgarity surrounding us in the form of obscene small & large piles of trash.
One can draw a parallel between the garbage inside Parliament and that outside. Both stink! Budget cuts and garbage pileups. They both deal a body blow to the citizens of this city, leaving them traumatized. People will agree litter is ugly, & it has economic, legal and environmental repercussions as well.
Can the govt & m&cc tell us where on the calendar we can find "commence soon"? This phrase has been used a lot regarding Restoration GT. Can you guys start TODAY which means that MONEY (this is how you measure life) can go into circulation by paying all the workers involved. And more money will be generated as people will find joy in coming and doing business in a clean city. Litter discourages economic development because it impacts real estate values. Good stores and important businesses will not locate in a community which lacks the pride to effectively control litter.
Here's hoping that we can begin to BOTH enjoy the warmth AND beauty of this city SOON. And invite Petersen...so he can spend some British Pounds here...along with thousands of those who HATE winter.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Went to the Park this sunny morning...but with fears hanging like dark clouds over me. Of what I will encounter...and they were realized. I could only manage 1 lap (when I normally do 3) amidst the minefield of garbage. How I wanted to puke!!! You claim that Jesus is resurrected...and that's a CLAIM! But by your nasty actions...you PROVE that you're really DEAD!
If Hollywood wants to make the scariest movie for 2013 all they need to do is bring their HD cameras to the Park & the seawall. With all this shit they would have a box-office hit. Their audiences would be cringing in their seats wondering where on earth such savages exist. Their pop-corn and coke would remain untouched as no one would be able to eat viewing such horrible scenes. With sweat on their brows and wishing for The END; when it comes they would hurry home but not forgetting to take with them their unopened goodies.
Even the birds were not singing...even they were horrified at the carnage left behind by the "highest" of God's creation.
Even a resurrected Jesus would fall permanently dead viewing what people do in his name. This would be his last "miracle"...caused by the nastiest people he would have ever met.
What role models were the adults to the children...your crazy passions set in rippling motion by temptations have checkmate their futures being any brighter. When you're supposedly having "fun" is the best time to teach children lessons. Teach them decision-making skills and the rewards they will experience physiologically (their brain chemistry is renewed), psychologically (their personality and skills mature and grow), and spiritually (their connection to and relationship with God grow more powerfully). Yes, knowing the benefits of doing the right thing will help motivate them to do the right thing.
BUT all you did was the WRONG thing...littering...and wired them incorrectly so all this society will experience from them is continuous short-circuiting & blackouts. Civilization stymied by you...the litterbug adult. How is it that you bring all the "goodies" in bags...but feel it's your damn RIGHT to leave the "baddies" on the ground? Is it WRONG to take the "baddies" back with you home?